Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

Wow! life sure does get busy sometimes. I've barely had time to turn around lately. Oh well maybe I can get back into a "normal" routine this week. Which brings me to today's post. do you have 15 min a month? Well then you can make your own laundry soap. It's cheap, works great, and lasts a month! (and I wash a lot) Give it a try it's fun :)

What you need: Bar of soap, borax, washing soda, essential oil (optional) ,grater, and a 5 gal. bucket

Any kind of soap will work. I've used a variety of brands and the only difference is how they set up. You will need to grate the soap to make little curls. I like to leave part of the paper on so the soap doesn't get slick and hard to hold. ( yes, I have notoriously "clammy" hands)

It will look like this. Now get 4 cups of water simmering, not boiling because when you add the soap it will get too foamy and bubbly and bubble right over your pot. Not that I know from experience though :D

Now add the soap curls a little at a time and stir until they are melted. Then add more. DO NOT add them all at once or you will have a big glob of soap that will take forever to melt :) After it is all added you will have a nice looking pot of soap soup :)

 Now remove from heat and add 1 c. washing soda, 1/2 c. borax, and essential oil of choice. mixing until it is all dissolved. 

Put 3 gal. of warm water in your bucket and add your soap mix, making sure to stir well. Please excuse the 1970's green tub, we're currently saving for a bathroom remodel :)

Just add a lid, let it set for 24 hr. Although I have used it right away before be cause I was out, and laundry was up to the ceiling:)

The next day it will look like a solid bucket of soap jello. Just give it a good stir and it is ready to use. It will be liquid and kinda lumpy. That's normal, all the soap chunks break apart in the wash. Now put it in an old container and use 1 c. per load. The cap on my container holds 1/2 c. so I just fill it up twice.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Broccoli and Cauliflower Salad

 Yum! This stuff is so good. This recipe was given to me by a good friend, and is perfect for those hot summer days. It can be eaten right away but is better if it marinates all day first. It does also need to be eaten within 3-4 days or the veggies start to get soggy.

Bunch of broccli
Head of cauliflower
1 c. raisins
1 c. nuts
6 slices of bacon cooked and crumbled

1/2 c. mayo
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. vinegar

Cut broccli and cauliflower into bite size florets. Add nuts, raisins, and bacon. Stir together dressing and pour over veggies. Stir well, cover and refrigerate. Stir throughout the day and before serving.

I like to make it in a bowl that can be covered so I can just layer everything in and shake it up to mix.

I even like to turn it upside down in the fridge so the dressing gets mixed in really well. I also like to add more bacon and double the dressing. Just don't quite double the vinegar :)


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mock Fishtail

I love the look of a fishtail braid, but I've never taken the time to master it. So I found a cheater's way to get a similar look with minimal effort and time. All you need is a brush and some clear elastics.

 1. Make a low ponytail. I like to do this on the side , but it can be done in the middle just as well.

2. Put your fingers through to make a hole. so you can pull the pony tail through.

3. Now pull it through. You will have the classic piggy flip or topsy tail or whatever you want to call it :)

4. Now just put another band below the first flip. Then you pull it through and flip again.You can tighten or loosen as needed to get it to flow together.

5.Now just repeat until you are at the end. I did three bands with Mallory's hair. I only can do two when I do it on myself.

As you can see it's not exactly like a fishtail but pretty close. Now just finish off with a cute ribbon and you're all set!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Scarf Organization

Do you have a scarf collection that needs to find a home other than in the bottom of your closet? I did! mine were just piled in a box usually overflowing, and falling on my head every time I would get something out of my closet. Well no more! Yea! I saw this on Pinterest and it's just too good of an idea not to share.

All you need are the plastic shower curtain rings and a sturdy hanger. I used a plastic one the first time but it didn't hold up to the weight. Now I had these rings on hand but I have seen them quite often at thrift stores. Who cares if they're a tacky powder blue? Nobody will see them :) (apologies if you have blue ones in your bathroom :] )

Now just snap them on and hang those scarves! Ta Da, no more scarves falling on my head and all over the floor! So easy, I wish it was my own idea. :D

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sping Clean!

It's that time again! I'm going to start spring cleaning this week. I thought I might share some of my favorite herbal cleaning supplies. Why herbal you say? Well, I'm not a fan of harsh chemicals to start with so this was a great alternative. The cost is cheaper and the supplies are readily available, and leave my house smelling so fresh. They are safe around my little ones so I don't have to worry, especially when Mallory decides to "clean" too. So have fun, try herbal, and let's clean house!!!

1. Walls- mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and 6-8 drops of essential oil of choice, for grease cutting power ( a clear or light oil should be used like eucalyptus or mint) Mist walls and wipe with a soft cloth

2. Floors- I love Murphy's oil soap it smells good and is plant based. Mix 2 gal of hot water, Murphy's oil soap, and essential oils of choice. The possibility for scents is endless. Some of my favorites are lemon, lime ,and sweet orange, eucalyptus, lavender,or pine needle.

3.Bathroom- Put a few drops of essential oil on the cardboard tube of the toilet paper roll, and every time it is used it will release the fragrance.

To help mats and rugs smell fresh between washings scent 1/2 c of baking soda with 8- 10 drops of essential oil of choice sprinkle on rugs wait 15 min then shake well or vacuum.

Toilet cleaner- 1/2 c baking soda
                         1/4 c vinegar
                         10 drops of tea tree essential oil
 Combine all ingredients add to the bowl and swipe w the brush

Mirror Bright- 1 1-2 c vinegar
                         1/2 c water
                         8  drops of citrus oil

 Mix all in a spray bottle, and shake well before each use. spray and wipe with a soft dry cloth.  It can also be use of faucets too

Hope some of these help you! Happy cleaning!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Resurrection Bows

It's almost Easter! I love this time of year, warm weather, new flowers, green grass, and pollen ( well not the pollen) They are all constant reminders of the new life we can have in Christ. Lately I have been marvelling about the Easter story once again. What a wonderful thing the Lorrd Jesus did for us! He died for us but that's not the best part, He LIVES for us!!!! Does he live in you? I hope so.

I made this cute hairbow with Mallory to tell her once again what Jesus has done for us. I thought you might like to make some too.


3/8 white ribbon
alligator clips
small flowers or jewels
hotglue gun

1. Cut the ribbon into pieces 7 in, 5 in, and 3 1/2 in long

2. On the 7 in piece mark 3 in and make a loop and glue.

3. Loop the other end to meet the top and glue in place. You will have a piece that looks like a long figure eight.

4. Take the 5 in piece, fold in half and crease to mark the middle. Now loop around like you did before and glue . Now you have two figure eight pieces.

5. Glue together in the center to form a cross.

6. Add your flower or embellishment of choice. ( small jewels would look pretty too)

7. Take the 3 1/2 in piece and use it to line your alligator clip gluing as you go. I have found it is easier to put glue on the ribbon and then press on to the clip rather than gluing the clip and adding the ribbon :)

Your finished clip should look like this

8. Now put a dot of glue on the back of your cross and glue the clip to the ribbon.

9. All done! Now you just have to find a lovely girl to put it on!

 I hope you enjoyed making this bow. Let me know if something is not clear. I would Love to see pictures of yours!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Favorite Kitchen Cleaner

I love making and using natural cleaning supplies. If you think about it who wants to have chemicals covering where you prepare and cook your food? Not me!! This cleaner works so well. It disinfects and makes my stove and countertops shine, and it smells good to boot. It's made from all natural ingredients that are readily avaliable. So have fun and let's make some cleaner!!!

Lemon Blast Cleaner

1 tsp. liquid castile soap (found in the natural section where the soap and body care products are)
1/8 c. white vinegar
1/4 c. lemon juice
2 c. water ( I like to use warm it makes everything blend easier)
8 drops of lemon, lime, orange, or eucalyptus essential oil ( found in health food stores)
1 tsp. borax

Combine all ingredients in a large spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Spray on surfaces and wipe with a damp cloth or sponge.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Princess Hair

This is so easy and cute! It could even be done with more braids I just haven't gotten around to trying it yet. Enjoy!!

First start with a beautiful assistant

Then make two braids. Braid them down as far as you can. Use a clip or bobby pin to hold while you do the other side. When you are done you will have four small braids.

Now take the top braid from one side and bring it over to meet the botton braid of the other side. Secure with a rubber band. Now do the same for the other side.

Isn't it pretty? Now all you have to do is add ribbon, some cute bows, or flowers. And you're done!

And as always special thanks to my lovely assistant! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sweet Potato Stacks

     Yummy yum yum. I made these last night and they were delish! At first I thought what an odd flavor combination, sweet potatoes, thyme and mozzarella? I mean isn't it against the law to eat them without lots of brown sugar and cinnamon? Just kidding it's good to eat outside the box. Whole foods without all the sugar are definitely healthier (insert here that I'm planning on making a cheesecake this weekend :) Can I say yum again? The flavors were so complimentary, you have to try this. Be sure to let me know what you think. Oh sorry about the picture we ate them all before I thought about taking one.:)

Sweet Potato Stacks

1 1/2 lb. sweet potatoes peeled and thinly sliced ( 2 small ones worked perfect)
2 tsp. thyme divided
1 c. mozzarella divided
2/3c. heavy cream
1 garlic clove pressed
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375. layer half the potatoes in a well greased muffin pan. Sprinkle with 1 1/2 tsp of thyme and 1/2 c cheese (I actually didn't measure) Top with remaining potatoes.

2. Mix cream, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper. Pour into cups about 1 T. each

3. Bake 375 covered with foil for 30 min. Uncover and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake 5-7 min until cheese is melted and slightly golden.

4. Let stand 5 min. Run a sharp knife around the edges, and lift potato stacks using a spoon or small spatula. Enjoy!