Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DIY Bath Rug

I'm always on a quest for the perfect bath rug. In our bathroom there is very little space for a rug because of the toilet and the dryer. All the other rugs that I've had have all been too big, so I had to fold them under, so then they look weird, and get wrinkled very easy. Enough I said, time to make one. I was super pleased at how it turned out. I'm thinking of all the Holiday rugs I can make. The rug actually cost me nothing because I had everything on hand, but if you were to buy the materials it would be under $10, depending on the towel and embellishments. Lets get started.

First I got a bath towel

Then I cut it to the desired size. I think mine was 18x26. I just folded it in half, and cut. Now you should have two pieces of towel. If you make a really big one you may have to buy two towels.

I decided I wanted to monogram mine. Here's where the ideas are only limited to your imagination :) You could leave it plain, make it for a holiday or monogram it like I did. I drew my letter, but if I were better at this computer stuff I would have printed me one out of a really cute font.

Now I got some fusible web. What I like to use is called Wonder Under. You can get it at Walmart for $1.87 or so a yard. You just need a little bit according to your design. This was less than a quarter of a yard. Trace your letter on the paper side of the web making sure you do it backward.

 Now iron onto the WRONG side of your material following the manufacturer directions. Don't get in a hurry, and let the iron do the work.

Let it cool for a minute, then cut out your design and iron it to one piece of your towel.

Now just sew around the design. I like the blanket stitch. One because it gives a nicer finish and two because it is fast :) Patience is not always my strong point. You can also do a satin stitch or a small zigzag all the way around. I used a darker thread to help make the letter stand out a little more.


Now pin all the edges together and zigzag all the way around.

You could be finished, but when I get ideas they just keep coming sooo, I had to add some lace. Just at the top and bottom. For one all the way around didn't look right and two I didn't have enough. I just straight stitched top and bottom of each piece.

Now We're all done! Look at those cute little feet :)

See how small the space is? I can't wait to make another one Maybe a turkey or falling leaves for Autumn?..... Oh by the way I've has this done for like a week and have tried posting this like 5 times but either my computer would get wonky because of all the picts or some little someone(s) would need some special assistance.:)

I hope you enjoyed this. I had a blast making it. I would love to see what you come up with or improve upon! Happy sewing!